So this time last year I was "with child". I thought that should count for being a mother, which meant Cody should have praised, massaged and loved me extra on that day. He disagreed. Shonni was great enough to find a card at the store that said "Happy Mother's Day to the mom to be".. thinking it might change his mind. It didn't.
Well guess what Cody... this year it really does count!! Cause I'm a mom, I'm a mother, I am the freaking parent to this beautiful child!!
Seriously though, being a mom is the most rewarding thing I have done in my life. Every morning when I stand over her bed and she smiles that huge toothless grin up at me I can't help but think I am the luckiest person in the world. I have a healthy, happy baby (not to mention stinkin' adorable).. and a supporting and super sexy husband whom I love even more now that he's my baby's Daddy!!
Going into the hospital on the day she was born I had no idea how much having a baby was going to change my life, its not something you can imagine. Its crazy how much love you feel for this little person immediately. And then they just send it home with you.. its odd leaving with a baby when you went in with a very large belly and an empty car seat. One day you're trying to imagine what your baby might be like and now, almost six months later, we're getting to see her little personality.
So Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow poopy diaper changers, spit up cleaner uppers, boo boo kissers, dinner cooking moms!! And an especially BIG Happy Mother's Day to my mom who helped make me who I am today!! Love you Mom!!
God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. ~Jewish Proverb
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