First I was calling it a Wii Ciesta, but I was quickly informed that no one would want to take a nap, while playing the Wii, on New Year's Eve. I corrected myself and started calling it a Wii Mexican Fiesta!!! Ai Ai Ai!! It was so nice of Cody to let me know that I did not need to insert the "Mexican" in front of "Fiesta". A "Fiesta", afterall, IS a mexican party. Ahhhh!! It all makes sense now.
Back to my non-ciesta, ex-nay on the mexican-ay, Wii FIESTA!! I provided tamales (which didn't finish cooking until the butt end of the party)refried beans smothered in cheese and mexican rice. Oh, and delicious guacamole. I cannot get enough of that stuff!! Jalynn brought taquitos (holy DELICIOUS) and queso. Oh and lets not forget the FRIED ICE CREAM!! Crapola there was a lotta food!! Shonni brought NOTHING.. this is the last time they're coming to my house expecting a free ride!! I'm only half kidding. We're totally trying to watch our weight.. WHAHAHAHAHA!! Really though.. starting Monday.
The night was full of remote swinging, boob scooping, "Do I look better texting with one hand, or two", face stuffing, street jumping, If I were King of the FORrreeEESSSTT!!, pant peeing laughs!!!
At midnight we piled on our shoes and coats.. and headed out to bang pots and pans!!
I handed the camera to Shawn and told him to take pics of us "jumping in the air".. these are our attempts at lift off...
Close.. but no.
Try again.. ahhhh... no.
Jalynn and I were literally peeing our pants laughing.. this whole having a baby thing has done a number on my already weak bladder. I think I'll be wearing depends after my second kid.
In the end, we decided that maybe we should stop this jumping in the air nonsense and just strike a pose already.
Happy New Year!!
I've got to say no family knows how to party like the Jones! I'm jealous and a little sadden that I'm never invited that's cool!!! just given you a hard time! love the pics! tell Shonni good luck catching up on her blog! & I second that your Christmas lip sync is not only brilliant but kicks ace!